Saturday, August 22, 2015

Touch a Truck 2015

Last year we missed the Touch a Truck event and I was bummed. I knew Noah would really like it. This year we managed to catch it and it was a lot of fun. A little warm, but still fun. We got to see a roller skate truck, an army truck, several fire trucks, various work trucks, and even a police dog. Noah had a good time climbing inside and exploring the trucks and Grayson even got in on the action a little.

We got to watch a helicopter take off, which was great until it completely blasted us with sand. Other than that, it was a pretty cool event. I think we will be looking for this one again next year.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cookie Face

Both of my boys love to get the free cookies at Publix. I don't mind them having them because it keeps them happy while I shop. The little one ends up wearing more of the cookie than he eats sometimes, but he wears it well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Noah's First Day of School

Today was Noah's first day of preschool. I expected panic and tears based on previous experiences, but I got neither. Noah just walked right in and lined up with the other kids to walk to his class. He waved bye to us with the biggest smile on his face and I was so proud of him. I, on the other hand, could barely hold it together and cried like a baby when I got to the car. At least one of us was brave.