Thursday, December 10, 2015

Big Cats

"One day, I heard this weird noise in this bush. I looked to see what it was and it wasn't a cheetah or anything, it was just a bird".

I feel so relieved to know there are no cheetahs in my neighbor's yard.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Trimming the Tree

It's one of my favorite times of the year. Time to decorate for Christmas. This year Noah really wanted to help me decorate the tree and gave up time playing outside to do it. I tried to give him the ornaments that were less likely to get broken since he can't reach very high on the tree and that puts them in reach of Grayson. He did a great job and I only had to rearrange a few of them. Grayson wanted to be involved, but he mostly ended up playing with a talking ornament that we have. I'm sure he'll be more helpful when it comes to taking the ornaments off the tree. Both boys had fun and the tree looked great when we were finished. We are all ready for the holidays.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Littlest Scarecrow

Noah had farm day at school today. There was a petting zoo, a family picnic in the classroom, and the kids could dress up as some sort of animal or character you might find on a farm. I made a little outfit for Noah to be a scarecrow, and he was so adorable. Everyone at the school was talking about how great he looked, and I must say, I totally agree with them.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Grayson's One Year Pics

My parent's took Noah to have pictures taken at a studio called Portrait Innovations when he was a year old. They took Grayson to the same place and the pictures are unbelievably adorable. Here are just a few of them. This boy is going to break hearts one day with those eyes.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Noah

Today, my little boy turns four. The last year has flown by and I can't believe we have already made it to this day. Noah is so smart, so sweet, and so funny. He started school this year and has done really well with it so far. He gets great comments from his teachers and it seems to be making him more outgoing. He's a great big brother to Grayson and helps his with toys and other things we wants to do. He keeps us laughing all the time with his goofy little songs and sayings or silly little dances. He's loving, and sweet, and can sill melt my heart. He's one amazing little boy.

We had a small birthday party for him here at the house. He was very excited to blow out the candle on his cake and this was the first year he didn't get upset when we sang happy birthday to him.

He had a blast playing with his cousins and visiting with family. He really liked all his gifts, especially his new dinosaurs, which he had picked out himself. It was a full day of fun with family and he was so worn out at the end of it. I'm so glad we got the chance to celebrate this spunky little four year old that I love with all my heart.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Touch a Truck 2015

Last year we missed the Touch a Truck event and I was bummed. I knew Noah would really like it. This year we managed to catch it and it was a lot of fun. A little warm, but still fun. We got to see a roller skate truck, an army truck, several fire trucks, various work trucks, and even a police dog. Noah had a good time climbing inside and exploring the trucks and Grayson even got in on the action a little.

We got to watch a helicopter take off, which was great until it completely blasted us with sand. Other than that, it was a pretty cool event. I think we will be looking for this one again next year.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cookie Face

Both of my boys love to get the free cookies at Publix. I don't mind them having them because it keeps them happy while I shop. The little one ends up wearing more of the cookie than he eats sometimes, but he wears it well.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Noah's First Day of School

Today was Noah's first day of preschool. I expected panic and tears based on previous experiences, but I got neither. Noah just walked right in and lined up with the other kids to walk to his class. He waved bye to us with the biggest smile on his face and I was so proud of him. I, on the other hand, could barely hold it together and cried like a baby when I got to the car. At least one of us was brave.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fun at the Zoo

The Howells invited us to tag along with them to the zoo today, and of course we were glad to go. It's so much fun to see the kids together and watch them point things out to each other. They are really adorable and it's going to be fun to watch them grow up together.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Yogurt Face

Grayson loves yogurt and eats a lot of it. I still feed it to him because he's not great with a spoon, but he always wants to play with the cup and spoon when we are finished. Today I let him do it, and it went pretty much the way I expected.

He must get his yogurt eating skills from his big brother...

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Grayson's First Birthday Party

I can't believe it's already time for this little guy's birthday party. It still doesn't seem possible that he's already a year old.

We had cupcakes on his actual birthday, which he loved.

This weekend we had a party at the house. We pulled out the inflatable pool and had some water guns for the kiddos to play with. They had a blast. 

Grayson had a great time and really enjoyed his cake. He has been such a blessing to us and I just can't wait to see what God has in store for this little guy. We love you Grayson!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy Birthday Grayson

"His little hands stole my heart...and his little feet ran away with it."

I can't believe our little guy is already a year old. It's true what they say; when you have kids, the days seem long but the years seem short. This one has flown by. Grayson has been such a blessing to us and our family and there just aren't enough words to explain how much I love this child.

We knew that having a second child would be an adjustment. Some had told us it was easy, most told us it was really hard. I was a little nervous about it because I worried that we might have a really fussy baby that would make the adjustment harder. As it turns out, there was no need to worry. We thought Noah was a good baby until we had Grayson. He has been amazing. He's happy 99% of the time and will break out in the biggest grin if you just look at him. He definitely made the transition from one child to two super easy for us.

At a year old, Grayson is very independent and strong willed. He will get angry and refuse to eat until you give him a fork and let him feed himself. He knows exactly what he wants and even though he isn't really talking much yet, he finds ways to let you know what that is. He loves his big brother and loves to follow him around. This does sometimes annoy Noah when Grayson is interfering with his mega block construction project or disturbing his extra long train. But most of the time they play really well together. Grayson is happy as long as he can play with and around his big brother. I can't wait to see that bond grow as they get older.

He is incredibly smart. He loves to play in the water and gets really excited when you mention taking a bath. He loves to snuggle while holding the tag on his blanket and he is the most loving child. He will often walk over without invitation and just hug your leg and and laugh. It's just about the best thing ever. He loves to be outside and point out birds and airplanes. He really likes for Papa to ride him around on the toy tractor using an umbrella to push the pedal to make it go. Sadly, he eats about like his brother always has. He can be picky and doesn't always want to eat much at a time. He seems to prefer eating a little here and there throughout the day. Hopefully that will change as he gets older.

You don't understand as a new parent how such a tiny person can change your life and your heart so much. What I didn't realize was that it would happen again with a second tiny person. It's like your heart just expands to add more room to give and receive love. I love seeing the ways that he's like Noah and the ways that he's different. It's amazing how much he has added to our lives in such a short time. It's just another example of how truly amazing our God is that He would give us such an amazing little boy to call our son. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and I'm so thankful that he's ours. I can't wait to see how he grows and changes in the next year.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Best Train Track

Today, like many days, we built a train track. But not just any train track. This was a very special train track. It had a place for dinosaurs.

It had a place for zoo animals.

It had marine life in the water under the bridge.

It had a fire truck standing by to help in case of emergency.

And it had one happy three year old to play with it all.

Go ahead. Admit it. Our train track is better than yours.