Friday, March 16, 2012

6 Months Old

Our sweet Noah turned six months old on the 8th, and I'm not sure how that happened.  The time seems to be flying by.  He is now 29 inches long and weighs 16 pounds 9 ounces...tall and skinny.  He's sitting up pretty well on his own now, and is a very wiggly boy.  I'm pretty sure once he starts crawling we will never keep up with him.

Our newest addition this month:  solid foods.  So far we've tried several types of oatmeal with fruit, apples, peaches, an apple strawberry banana combo, peas, green beans, squash, squash casserole, sweet potatoes, and chicken with noodles.  The only thing he didn't really like the first time he tried it was peas.  But when we tried them again a couple weeks later he seemed to like them.  He still doesn't have any teeth yet, but I'm sure they will be coming soon.

With all the nice weather we've been having, we have been going on lots of strolls around the neighborhood.  Noah gets excited when I strap him in the stroller, but he falls asleep every single time we go out.

He loves anything that makes a crinkly noise, so when I brought home a balloon for Valentine's day, he loved it.  Also a big hit: a bag of white cheddar popcorn that Daddy bought. He still talks quite a bit, loves his jumper, and is overall one of the happiest babies I've ever seen.  People that come to visit are just amazed at how calm and content he is.  We'll see if that lasts as he gets older. I think our next big step will be baby proofing our house and blocking off all the things he shouldn't get into.  I can't believe how much he's changed already, and I look forward to seeing how he changes in the months to come.  God has blessed us with a truly wonderful little boy.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Splish Splash

Noah was not a fan of bath time when he was younger, but over the past couple of months he has grown to love it.  Now that he can sit up he likes it even more.

He has also learned how to splash more now that he can sit up.  And he loves it.  My bathroom floor does not.  I think his little bathtub is going to have to be relocated to the actual bathtub and off my bathroom counter.

Back Where They Belong

This post is a little late, but better late than never.  Taylor successfully finished the repairs to his car (several weeks ago), got it put back together and running, and both cars are now back in the garage where they belong.  My car is so happy to have it's warm house back.  And I'm proud of Taylor for doing his repairs himself and saving us a lot of money.  Good job, dear.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Why Boys Shouldn't Play With Fire

The mother of one of Taylor's friends gave this advice to our friend Katy at her recent baby shower:

"Don't let your kids play with fire."

Apparently, she really knows this group of guys that Katy and I married into, and really knows what she's talking about.

This is what's left of a brand new camp chair after a night of Taylor and Zach hanging out.  They came inside to get a drink on this very windy Friday night and left their chairs unattended.  When they returned to their fire, they found that the wind had blown the chair over on top of the fire pit.  Maybe from now on, I should remember the advice of Mrs. Flemming and not let the boys play with fire.